Spiderweb Obsidian


Spider-web Obsidian is beneficial in helping the being to release the “need” of self negativity, self hate and self harm. It is a stone that encourages steady confidence and thought that is rich in positive energies for future investment within ones own knowledge, ones own belief, and ones own knowing. Spiderweb Obsidian is volcanic glass. It often has flow lines that create interesting effects. Obsidian has a reputation for being difficult to polish. Usually the reason for difficult polishing is that coarse grits can create a fairly deep fracture zone that doesn’t come out when the stone is cut at finer grits. Spiderweb Obsidian was recently discovered in Chihuahua, Mexico. Only a small amount of rough is coming out! It is a lovely midnight blue semi precious gemstone with sky blue 'webbing', but it is very hard to photograph! Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass. Here you will be purchasing one intuitively and energetically selected Spiderweb Obsidian pocket pebble, selected just for you. Please note that each piece is unique and individual and will vary from what is pictured here. A relatively new find, Spiderweb Obsidian is an.

Vibrates to the number 1

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root

Colour Range: Variety of Black/Red/Gold/Blue

Direction: South

Element: Fire


Guardian: Lower World Deities

Warrior of truth. Obsidian is a lustrous volcanic glass, and a true teacher stone. Made from high mineral lava (felsic viscous lava) that erupts from volcanoes, than are rapidly cooled. There are many varieties and different colours, mostly included with black. A Common stone in Mexico and anywhere else with volcanoes. Since it is a sharp glass, it has a long history helping humanity. Our ancestors used obsidian for tools by carving and shaping, used for cutting, making knives or arrowheads, and even polished into mirrors. Obsidian is sacred to many people in many regions, such as in present day Mexico or when the Mayan civilization was vibrant and alive. Obsidian connect us to the darkness and is held sacred by the underworld deities.

Obsidian is a mirror, it shows us our dark side or our Shadow/Lower self, and further assists in integration of this shadow self to become more complete. This stone is blunt, and will give direct answers, if ego is set aside, you can often interpret with focus and bring the correction needed for better life changes.

All forms of obsidian work intensely with people. Treat with respect and use it with caution.

A good stone for personal work, it protects ourselves from personal scrutiny and protects one on the Physical and Emotional levels. Always reveals deeper levels of self discovery, and guides us in finding truth.

It also can shield and then transform the negative vibrations within an environment acting as a filter through the black stone.

Obsidian is a grounding root stone, connecting directly from the root chakra center and penetrates deep into the Earth.

Dealing with physical survival (obsidian daggers/arrowheads), and personal ego.

Physically it aids with shocks, blocks, anxiety, pain, tension, arthritis, stress, blood circulation, and wound healing.

It's safe in water or drunk as an elixir, but do not boil!

Included below are a few more varieties of the Obsidian family, thus adding more unique properties to this beautiful stone.

Apache TearQuick Reference, properties and correspondence for Apache tear obsidian

Vibrates to the number 6

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root

Colour Range: Variety of Black/Red/Gold/Blue

Direction: South

Element: Fire


A naturally rounded, clear or cloudy, smokey form of obsidian. History of the Apache tribe shares that the crying wives of the Apache warriors, who were ambushed and murdered, created the Apache tear obsidian, and legend states those who possess these crystals need not cry, for the Apache Women have cried for you.

This stone is good for grief, release, crying, times of sorrow, and true insight into ones sorrow and grief.

Helps us release grudges against others and ourselves, bringing forth forgiveness and removes our own self imposed barriers.

Physically it was used for venomous snake bites, assists in proper intake of Vitamin C and D, aids in toxin elimination, and alleviates muscle spasms.

Black Obsidian, lava glass. Use black obsidian for shadow work, and to see clearly during confusion. Obsidian Properties, Correspondence and Quick Reference. Mermaid Wholistic.Black Obsidian

Vibrates to the number 3.

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root

Colour Range: Black

Direction: South

Element: Fire


Planetary/Ruling Bodies: Pluto

Guardian: The Dark Goddess

Black obsidian is commonly used for gazing or scrying. It is used by shamans during healing journeys.

Black Obsidian increases creativity in all aspects of life.

This stone teaches us the mystical power of black.

Before there was colour there was black and white and this stones shows it's students how to bring more light into this darkened world.

Green ObsidianGreen Obsidian holds mystery and heals the heart chakra.

Vibrates to the number 5

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Spider web jasper meaning

Chakra: Heart

Colour Range: Black/Dark Green

Direction: South

Element: Fire

Zodiac: Gemini

Spiderweb Obsidian Sphere

Guardian: ET

This form of obsidian stimulates the heart chakra.

Also called an ancient information disc, it can be used to connect to higher civilizations from the past, present or future.

This stone cleanses and removes stagnation in the body, and gently removes cords of others; removal of these cords can often bring great relief and euphoric relaxation. After, it also protects us from the people and situations that created the cords in the first place.

Brings with it the energy and ability to access higher spiritual information.

Physically this stone aids the heart and gallbladder.

Quick Reference, properties and correspondence for Gold Sheen obsidianGold Sheen Obsidian

Vibrates to the Number 9

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root

Colour Range: Black/Gold

Direction: South


Element: Fire



Gold Sheen Obsidian can be used to 'gaze'. This technique in combination with the stone helps one get to the root of the problem or situation.

A great stone for ego, and taking an honest look at oneself.

Meditation and journeys with Gold sheen Obsidian while gazing can provide much insight!

Helps us find for ourselves what we need to fix ourselves. A Very empowering stone!

Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian Properties, Correspondence, & Quick Reference.

Vibrates to the number 4

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root

Colour Range: Black/Red/Brown

Direction: South

Element: Fire


It provides strength when needed and stimulates personal growth of the wholistic body (Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual).

Eliminates energy blockages and shows visions and dreams which reveal ones own part to play in all the troubled areas of life.

Physically it is helpful to release tension.

Quick Reference, properties and correspondence for snowflake obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian

Vibrates to the number 8

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root/Crown

Colour Range: Black/White

Direction: South

Element: Fire


Snowflake Obsidian is Black Obsidian with white inclusions from the mineral phenocryst. The structure of phenocryst when polished looks like snowflakes within the stone.

This Stone so efficiently connects the higher self to the lower self, the crown to the root.

It removes unhealthy patters that have been created as a result of emotional stress, and can even help reprogram subconscious damaging thought patterns.

Great for meditations, isolation, purity and balance.

Physically Snowflake Obsidian can be used to soothe the veins and the bones in our bodies. Great for the skin and the eyes when prepared by gem elixir.

Spider Web ObsidianSpiderweb obsidian Quick reference, Correspondence, and properties

Vibrates to the Number 2

Family: Igneous/Volcanic Glass

Crystal System: Amorphous

Hardness: 5.0-6.0

Chakra: Root/Throat

Colour Range: Dark Blue/Light Blue

Direction: South

Element: Fire


Spiderweb obsidian

Spiderweb Obsidian Sphere

Planetary/Ruling Bodies: Pluto

This stones key word is connection. Like the spider weaving its web, this stone helps one better connect to all life through healthy balance of the throat center.

I recommend this form of obsidian for all healers, as it is great for protecting personal energy, and absorbs the negative energy from others.

Blue Green Obsidian

Helps bring dreams and manifestations into reality while protecting the user, bringing pleasure, love and light to the stone bearer.