Plastic Post Box

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School’s here! I know my little one isn’t quite ready just yet, but she does love drawing and coloring. I don’t think a day passes that she doesn’t (she must take after her Mama). I have a trip coming up to visit my parents back home in Maryland and I have a long(ish) plane flight with a toddler to prepare for. I need to keep her busy on the plane. I was about to throw away my Crystal Light container when I realized it’s the perfect size for pencils, markers, crayons, and such. I decided to alter it a bit and make this recycled plastic container pencil box for our trip.

This project is very easy, as the pictures are self-explanatory. Here are the materials you need:


Plastic Post Boxes South Africa


Plastic Post Box For Home

  • Crystal Light Box
  • Mod Podge
  • Paint Brush
  • Decorative Paper

Plastic Post Box Toy

Simply remove the existing plastic and cut your scrapbook paper to size. Using a paint brush apply the Mod Podge in even strokes to the back of the paper and carefully wrap it around the container. This is the trickiest part in order to align it correctly. If you work quickly, it is fairly easy to lift and adjust if you make a mistake. Next apply an outer layer of Mod Podge
and allow it to dry (approximately 15 minutes). I thought one coat sufficed however you can apply another if you wish. Consider embellishing it with stickers or plastic gems.

Plastic Post Box Ireland

This container can hold anything! I actually may use it for my daughter’s toothbrush and toothpaste for when we travel. You can use it to hold hair accessories or even use it for craft supplies. This is the perfect project to do with your kids. Now they will have a one of a kind pencil box to bring to school and show their friends.